"He was all sun colours, honey-coloured skin and long ginger hair."
An elf born to a Highlander mother and a Woodland father, Luzem spent his early years at a forest grove before being taken to the western highlands by his mother, where he stayed before practically running away at 17 years old. His mixed heritage, separation from his elder sister, and lack of any contact with his father's side of the family have left him feeling decidedly uprooted, and he has been unable to find his place in the world.
He has spent his adult years scraping a humble living by doing odd jobs, mostly as a sword-for-hire, feeling more and more disillusioned with the world as time goes on. Though not very brave, he’s very loyal and protective and willing to risk his neck for others. In combat he’s most proficient with the longsword, though has received combat training for a wide variety of weapons and can improvise should the need arise.
He stands elven tall with an athletic built – strong arms, wide shoulders – and typical Highlander colouration with his ginger hair and golden skin. The unmistakeable Woodland glow on his skin becomes more prominent when the sun is low in the sky, usually in the spring and the fall, though it’s mostly other elves who can pick up on this.
He's had no contact with either of his parents in decades and is only really close to his sister Tariya, whom he has looked up to since childhood. Separated from her at the age of 6, he cherishes their renewed relationship now that they're both adults. Despite their age gap they are more like twins to each other; mentally on the same wavelength, often able to understand each other wordlessly. Luzem considers Tariya the central figure of his life and looks to her for companionship, safety and comfort.
On elven lineage
All elves originate from the same bloodline, but a divide among the old tribes caused their ancestors to go their separate ways many millenia ago. One half took to the north-western woods, seeking shelter in nature; the other half wandered to the western plains now known as Altùin Highlands and settled there, founding the first proper elven cities along the western coastline.
Though residing in neighbouring countries, there is little contact between the Woodlanders and the Highlanders. Their cultures and languages have developed in separate directions, and different deities are worshipped among them. Woodlanders have kept to the old ways and honour Bear Father, the god of the forest, whereas Highlanders have largely taken to worshipping Inrifael the Peace-bearer like many other species on the northern continent. There are rarely skirmishes between the two people, but amicable relations are even rarer; mixed children are so unusual that they are more likely to live outside the elven lands altogether, seen as strangers among their own people on both sides of the border.